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String basics

String Iteration

In Java, a String is essentially a sequence of characters, and you can iterate over these characters just like you would with an array or a collection. Here are a few ways to iterate over a String in Java: For Loop with index: You can use a traditional for loop and the String’s length() method to iterate over each character in the String.
Using for loopString str = "Hello, World!"; for (int i = 0; i < str.length(); i++) { char c = str.charAt(i); System.out.println(c); }
For-Each Loop with toCharArray(): You can convert the String to a char array using the toCharArray() method, and then use a for-each loop to iterate over each character.
Using for-each loopString str = "Hello, World!"; for (char c : str.toCharArray()) { System.out.println(c); }
Java 8 chars() method: In Java 8 and later, you can use the chars() method, which returns an IntStream of char values, and then use the forEach method to iterate over each character. Note that you need to cast the int values to char in the lambda function.
Using chars() MethodString str = "Hello, World!"; str.chars().forEach(c -> System.out.println((char) c));
Remember, when iterating over a String, each ‘element’ is a char representing a single character. You can use these methods to perform operations on each character in the String, such as checking if the character is a letter or digit, converting the character to upper or lower case, etc. Understanding how to iterate over a String is a fundamental skill in Java, as it allows you to manipulate and analyze text data at a granular level.


★String ★java ★string methods ★ concatenation ★ string iteration
